Seeking Community Relationship And Global Partnership.
Statement of Faith
The Christian & Missionary Alliance
The Christian & Missionary Alliance, also known as “The Alliance,” is a world-wide missionary organization possessing a passion to evangelize the world and seeking to lead God’s people into a fuller experimental realization of all the resources that are available in Christ for holy living and effective service. Check out The Alliance website for more information on our work throughout the world, prayer requests, devotionals, what we believe, and more.
The Four-fold Gospel
Founder of The Alliance: A.B. Simpson
The Movement has grown out of the life and labors of its founder, the late Dr. A.B.Simpson. For a full acquaintance with this remarkable man of God, the reader is referred to “Wingspread” by Dr. A.W.Tozer.
Dr. Simpson was born in Prince Edward Island, Canada, on December 15, 1843, of Scotch parentage. He studied for the ministry at Knox College, Toronto and was graduated in 1865. He served as pastor in Presbyterian churches in Hamilton, Ontario, Louisville, Ky, and New York City. He passed through a remarkable crisis in his spiritual experience in which he died to self and abandoned his life wholly to God. After a very serious physical break down, he entered into an experience of appropriating the life of the risen Lord Jesus for his own physical life. This proved to be a revolutionary experience, enabling him to live and labor for many years in the resurrection life of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Leaving his comfortable church, he launched out into evangelistic work among the masses of New York, trusting alone in the Lord Jesus for the supply of all his needs. The burden of a lost world was heavy on him, and he soon engaged in a great worldwide missionary crusade. To better train workers for this vast effort, he founded the Missionary Training Institute at Nyack, N.Y., the oldest Bible Institute in America. He also launched the weekly Christian periodical that later became known as The Alliance Weekly, the official organ of the Movement.
Dr. Simpson is the author of a large number of well-known hymns that have had wide circulation and have brought great blessing to many. He conducted an intensive ministry at home for the saving of souls and deepening of spiritual life in addition to his missionary efforts. At the present time the Movement has a missionary force of over twelve hundred who are laboring in thirty-eight major mission fields.
History of Chico
There were about 70 men at the peak of construction with a hard core crew of about 15 finished May 5, 1968 at which time they chose to affiliate with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and assumed the name Chico Alliance Church signifying both its affiliation and location.